Mala Bead Necklaces
Everyone is wearing mala bead necklaces but why? They may be a hot trend however; they have a long history and are full of meaning.
Mala bead necklaces originated in India in the 8th century B.C.
A mala bead necklace has 3 parts, 108 beads, a guru bead and a tassel.
BEADS-Typical mala necklaces have 108 beads. 108 is a sacred number in the Hindu tradition.
· There are 108 energy channels leading from the heart chakra
· There are 108 energy centers in the human body
· The diameter of the sun is 108 times the diameter of the earth
· The average distance to the moon is 108 times the diameter of
the moon
· There are 108 elements on the periodic table
· 108 is a refactorable number meaning the integer can be divided
by its devisors
Mala beads are made from all types of crystals and stones. The stones and crystals can help the wearer attune to the properties of the chosen crystal. Different crystals can help to bring about grounding, peace, calm, or whatever quality the person wants more of. One example is a mala necklace made of obsidian can help bring about is a shield against negativity and draws out tension and stress leaving the wearer calmer and more peaceful.
Malas can be worn as a necklace or wrapped around the wrist as a bracelet. It should be worn on the left wrist because that is the receiving side of the body and helps the wearer receive the energy and properties of the crystal or stone.
GURU BEAD-The guru bead is a larger stone that is used to anchor the necklace and aid in counting prayers or mantras.
TASSEL-The tassel is said to represents the roots of the lotus flower. The lotus flower is used to remind us that even in the dirty waters a beautiful flower can grow.
Mala necklaces or prayer necklaces are often used for while praying or for meditation. While closing your eyes you can say a mantra or prayer for each bead. The beads help you keep track of how many times you have prayed your prayer. You typically start at the guru bead and work your way around the necklace until you reach the guru bead on the other side.
Care for mala necklaces is important. They are best cleansed and charged by leaving them outside during a full moon. It is important to keep mala necklaces off the ground. They can be powerful tools in our toolbox and should therefore be respected.